What is autism?

behavior tracker proThere are many cases of a child born with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). About 6 per 1,000 people are born autistic or people who has a brain and social development disorder that can be characterized by impaired communication, social interaction and by different restricted and repetitive behavior, or commonly called "Autism".

Signs of autism can be seen during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission as the child grows up and so on. Meaning to say autism has still no known cure as of now but therapist and specialists for brain development disorder is constantly seeking methods to study and help autistic people to properly adjust to their environment despite the disorder. In order to help and respond to what an autistic child's needs therapists and parents needs to track the behavior of the child which is not that easy or very discreet in public.

Because of the need to easily track the behavior of kids with autism, a concept was born that will revolutionize the way professionals and parents track the behaviors of the kids. Its called Behavior Tracker Pro, its an iPod Touch/iPhone application that allows a BCBA, therapist, parent, teacher, aide or any other observer to discreetly and accurately take data in the child's environment. No that its easier to track the behaviors of autistic children, people can understand them more and will be able to respond properly to their needs.


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